The BITZ unibz fablab is a Community Workshop for hobbyist, researchers and students in Bozen

Deep dive in to AI @fablab

  We'll show you what's possible with generative image AI today. 31.7.2024  16:00h  @ fablab unibz Discover our locally installed open source AI and use it for free. Understand how AI works and control every single pixel of your generated AI images. Generate...

Diplorama! Fragile structures 19.–20.07.2024

Diplorama! Fragile structures 19.–20.07.2024   Diplorama! ist wieder da und wir freuen uns, Sie begrüßen zu dürfen. Diplorama! è tornato e non vediamo l’ora di accogliervi. Diplorama! is back and we look forward to welcoming you   Freitag/Venerdì/Friday,...


WORKSHOP 17.07 ./24.07.   16h-18hBITZ UNIBZ FABLABANTONIO R0SMINI STR. 939100 BZ   Aus Papier, Draht und Kleister erschaffen wir eine dreidimensionale Plastik. Es wird eine ganz persönliche Arbeit, die beim zweiten Treffen mit eigenen Papiermaterialien von...

Terravaso Workshop

  Join us in the Terravaso journey and learn how to craft your own plant pot made from soil and natural fertilizers.   Hi, we are Anna and Tobi, two master students from Unibz with a passion for nature, outdoors and plants. We are showing people how to craft...


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