The BITZ unibz fablab is a Community Workshop for hobbyist, researchers and students in Bozen


Workshop: Package Design with Laser Join us for an exciting workshop where creativity meets technology! In this session, you’ll learn how to design and create custom packaging using laser cutting techniques. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, this...

EMBROIDERY WORKSHOP 14.02.25 03-06pm

Beginner workshop for embroidery machine and software 10€/Person - FREE for students. 14.02.25 from 3 to 6pm.   Register via

SEWING COURSE 05&06.02.25

Get your first hand sewing experiences in our beginner sewing course.  20€/Person - FREE for students. Course splited in 2 parts.  05 and 06/02/2025 from 2 to 5pm. Register via

SEWING COURSE 27&28.02.25

Get your first hand sewing experiences in our beginner sewing course.  20€/Person - FREE for students. Course splited in 2 parts.  27 and 28/02/2025 from 2 to 5pm.   Register via

SEWING COURSE 26&28.03.25

Get your first hand sewing experiences in our beginner sewing course.  20€/Person - FREE for students. Course splited in 2 parts.  26 and 28/03/2025 from 2 to 5pm.   Register via


Das fablab ist eine offene Werkstatt für Kreative.Du kannst deine Ideen verwirklichen, neue Techniken kennenlernen und dich von anderen inspirieren lassen. Il fablab é un laboratorio aperto per creativi.Potete realizzare le vostre idee, conoscere nuove tecniche e...


Als Mitglied hast du Zugriff auf die gesamte Ausstattung im fablab. Du kannst eigenständing deine Projekte realisieren, neue Praktiken kennenlernen, oder dich von Anderen inspierieren lassen.


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