Diplorama! 17–18.11.2023
Diplorama! 17–18.11.2023 Freitag/Venerdì/Friday, 17.11 (ab/dalle/from 6 PM) Samstag/Sabato/Saturday, 18.11 (11 AM –5 PM) Universitätsplatz 1/Piazza Università 1, Bozen-Bolzano
Open Days Sa.11.11.23
Come to Fablab and explore the possibilities of our makerspace! Open Days Lernen Sie unser Studienangebot kennen und stellen Sie unseren Lehrenden und Studierenden Fragen. Teaser Die Open Days bieten die Möglichkeit, die Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge kennenzulernen. Studiengangsleiter*innen,...
Linux Day South Tyrol – 28.10.23
DIGITAL SUSTAINABILITY everywhere Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Universitätsplatz 1, BozenRooms D0.02 and D0.03+videoconference FREE REGISTRATION:https://fuss.bz.it/linuxday2023 (The same link will be used to access the videoconference) Program 09:00 – Natascia Fattor, Anton Auer: Welcome...
We close at 4:00 p.m
....but we are open for science live
discover graphics tablet
In October you can work with a graphics tablet in the Fablab. We would like to collect user experiences in order to possibly purchase one. Have fun with it 🙂
jelly image transfer
6. Oktober 2023 | von 16:00 bis 22:00
Science Live. Get Curious! fablab BITZ
6. Oktober 2023 | von 16:00 bis 22:00
Next courses in September
Mi 20 17:00 3D Print Fr 22 17:00 Introduction Mi 27 17:00 embroidery machines Fr 29 17:00 Introduction Let us know which course you would like to attend :)Nothing there yet? Check out our course calendar >>>
laser currently out of order
Our laser is currently out of order! Repair is in progress!We will inform you when the laser works again. Thank you for your understanding
Science Live. Get Curious!
6. Oktober 2023 | von 16:00 bis 22:00