The BITZ unibz fablab is a Community Workshop for hobbyist, researchers and students in Bozen

SEWING COURSE 26&28.03.25

SEWING COURSE 26&28.03.25

Get your first hand sewing experiences in our beginner sewing course. 

20€/Person – FREE for students.

Course splited in 2 parts. 

26 and 28/03/2025 from 2 to 5pm.


Register via email:

Diplorama! 24.3 // 15.-16.11.2024DIPLORAMA

Diplorama! 24.3 // 15.-16.11.2024DIPLORAMA

Diplorama! ist wieder da und wir freuen uns, Sie begrüßen zu dürfen.

Diplorama! è tornato e non vediamo l’ora di accogliervi. 

Diplorama! is back and we look forward to welcoming you. 


Diplorama! 15.–16.11.2024 

Freitag/Venerdì/Friday, 15.11 (ab/dalle/from 18 PM) 

Samstag/Sabato/Saturday, 16.11 (11–17) 

Universitätsplatz 1/Piazza Università 1, Bozen-Bolzano