Ultimaker S5 dual extrusion
3D printer based on the Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) or Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) process. The 3D printer has two extruders so you can load two different filament types or different colours. This 3D printer can run overnight. Build volume: 330 x 240 x 300mm
Always ask the fablab team before using the machine and we will give you all necessary information about working safety.
Official tutorials on youtube>>>
You need a digital 3D model that you can export in .STL format.
Before printing, you have to prepare your 3D model. For this purpose, the software CURA is available at the Fablab. You can also download CURA for free and install it on your computer.
Fablab has different materials (filaments) to choose from. PLA, TPU, PVA, Breakaway and some experimental filaments. You can also bring your own filament (D=2,85mm).
The costs depend on the material required and the time needed.
For more information consult our price list.
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