Game Jam 2023 edition is coming!
DATE: 12 – 15 April 2023
Kick off: Wednesday 12 April at 6:00 pm in room F6, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Piazza Università 1, 39100 Bozen
Limited places: Registration via Eventbrite >click here
A Game Jam is a hackathon dedicated to games. It is a widespread format, a 72-hour intense workshop, that challenges participants to develop a game prototype on a given theme, working in teams. This theme will be announced at the opening of the Game Jam. Do not let this scare you off; it will be a broad topic!
At the end of the three days, participants will present their game ideas to the audience and jury. The three best entries will be awarded a cash prize to be used to further develop their idea.
What kind of game ideas are we looking for?
Whatever game means to you, we welcome it. Whether it is a video game programmed with engines such as Unreal, Unity or Godot, a board game, an urban game, an escape room or anything else playful or serious, there’s space for it at the Game Jam.
Who can participate? Do I need any previous knowledge?
EVERYONE, NO SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE NEEDED! Are you a game enthusiast, over 16 years old and comfortable communicating in English? Then you are the perfect participant! Experience in coding, design or hands-on skills is welcome, but creativity and curiosity are the keys. Working in a team will allow you to combine the skills and knowledge needed for a game project. You can come as an established team or individually. Do not worry; we will help you form your team on the spot!
First Game Jam? No worries! Experts of various fields will be available at specific moments of the event. They will be ready to help you in concept finding, game design, programming, 3D modelling and many more.
Where and when will the event take place?
The kick-off (Wednesday 18.00) and the finals (Saturday, 17.00) of the Game Jam will take at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. On Thursday and Friday, between 10.00 to 22.00, the groups can gather to work in certain spaces of unibz, which will be equipped with the essentials for group work. The facilities of the BITZ unibz fablab are also at your disposal. There you will find hand tools, 3D printers, laser cutters, computers and software, and all kinds of craft materials. But actually you can work everywhere you want (your bedroom, train, lonely island, …) as long as one person of your team is physically present for the presentation of your game prototype!
If you think you might need your laptop or any specific tool we might not have thought of or that is not in the fablab, please do not hesitate to bring it along.
Due to the nature of hackathons, you may wish to continue working after the official time frame of the event. Please keep your schedule as free as possible for these 72 hours.
What is there to win?
You can be sure to gain intensive learning experience, feedback on your ideas and new connections while having great fun too. There are also some surprises for all participants and the best teams!

Ultimaker S3 dual extrusion
3D printer based on the Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) or Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) process. The 3D printer has two extruders so you can load two different filament types or different colours. This 3D printer can run overnight. Build volume: 230 x 190 x 200mm
Always ask the fablab team before using the machine and we will give you all necessary information about working safety.
Official tutorials on youtube>>>
You need a digital 3D model that you can export in .STL format.
Before printing, you have to prepare your 3D model. For this purpose, the software CURA is available at the Fablab. You can also download CURA for free and install it on your computer.
Fablab has different materials (filaments) to choose from. PLA, TPU, PVA, Breakaway and some experimental filaments. You can also bring your own filament (D=2,85mm).
The costs depend on the material required and the time needed.
For more information consult our price list.

PFAFF Select 3.2 sewing machine
Domestic sewing machine „PFAFF Select 3.2“ for all kind of flexible, soft to middle hard textiles. There are a lot of programs and accessories available.
Always ask the fablab team before using the machine and we will give you all necessary information about working safety.
Textiles, all kinds of fabrics, not suitable for leather
2,00 € per machine use

SWAP new project
SWAP ist ein generationsübergreifendes Austauschprojekt zwischen Studenten und Senioren mit dem Ziel, der Generation 65+ das Internet nahe zu bringen und vorallem die wichtigsten Grundlagen alltäglicher online-Diensten zu vermitteln.
Ziel ist es, die ehrenamtliche Arbeit junger Menschen in Bozen zu fördern und den “digital divide” (ungleicher Zugang verschiedener Bevölkerungsgruppen zu Informations- und Kommunikations-Technologien) zu überwinden, die viele Senioren vom Zugang zu wichtigen Bürgerdiensten ausschließt. Junge Bozner Studenten und Arbeitnehmer werden auf einfacher Weise den Zugriff und die Funktionen rund um Online Dienste wie SPID, Sanitäts- und My Civis Portal erklären und dem Besucher zur Seite stehen. Einige der aufgeführten Dienste sind vor allem für diese Altersgruppe unverzichtbar, aber nicht jeder hat die digitalen Fähigkeiten, sie zu nutzen.
In dieser Hinsicht leistet das Projekt mit seinen vielfältigen Informationsangeboten einen wichtigen Beitrag zu einer höheren Lebensqualität für Bürgerinnen und Bürger über 65.
Neben der digitalen Unterstützung für Senioren soll diese Dienstleistung die Talente der jungen ehrenamtlichen Tutoren, die für Planung und Durchführung des Unterrichts verantwortlich sind, stärken und fördern
Unabhängig von den digitalen Kenntnissen – jeder kann am SWAP Support teilnehmen. Das Schalterservice ist kostenlos und findet in freundlicher Atmosphäre im BITZ unibz Fablab im Zentrum und in verschiedenen Bürgerzentren statt.
Wir suchen noch junge Tutoren!
Die Aufgabe des Tutors ist es, “Senioren” der Stadt Bozen bei verschiedenen Online Diensten der öffentlichen Verwaltung und alltäglichen Aufgaben mit Smartphones, Tablets und PCs zu unterstützen.
Das Projekt umfasst eine 16-stündige Ausbildung an der Freien Universität Bozen im Januar und eine ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit von 3 Stunden pro Woche (ein Nachmittag) in einem der fünf SWAP-Treffs in Bozen. Dein Engagement wird mit Kreditpunkten belohnt (Oberschule oder Universität).
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