Shapertool router
„Shapertool Origin“ is a handheld CNC router similar to a conventional carpenter router but with an in-build surface scanner to recognize the exact position with the help of markers. Through the touch-screen of the router you can position your .svg drawing virtually on the surface of the wood. Then set some basic values like the size of your drill or the carving depth and you are ready to go! The router shows you the carving direction on the display while your hands actively move the router above the wood. Your imprecision gets constantly corrected by the moving head inside a tolerance radius of about 4 cm. If you loose the path or the router is not balanced well above an angle, the motor switches off immediately. Wearing safety googles is obligatory!
Always ask the fablab team before using the machine and we will give you all necessary information about working safety.
On request we organize machine courses explaining you all details.
More information, video tutorials and product examples are available on the Shapertools website or on the blog „Shaper Hub“
You need a vector graphic in .SVG format
Software is available at the Fablab
2,00 € per machine use
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